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g Missing and Exploited Children Site

BellaOnline's Missing and Exploited Children Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Missing and Exploited Children Site! These are the top ten articles that your Missing and Exploited Children Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. Dangers of GPS Systems
GPS systems almost all have a home button, which gives step-by-step directions to home. Now imagine your GPS in the hands of thieves who hit the home button, only this time thieves got step-to-step directions to your unattended home. Have you considered how this feature can endanger your family?

2. Lures Used to Kidnap Children
Strangers use lures or lies to distract a child and lure the child closer to the stranger. Teach children adults should never ask or approach a child for anything and what a child should do if appraoched by a stranger. Keeping children safe from stranger danger.

3. The Predator Drugs, Rohypnol, GBH, and Ketamine
Many substances can render one incapable of resisting a sexual assault, including drugs like marijuana, ecstasy, alcohol, and even over the counter sleep and allergy medicines like Benadryl. Yet, even more powerful, are drugs known as date rape drugs.

4. Designer Thrills for Teens
Have you heard the term “designer sex” or “designer thrills?” The term designer sex describes teen prostitution, or the act of teen performing sexual acts for the thrill, but more likely for the money to buy designer items the teen desires but cannot afford. Find out if your teen is in danger.

5. The Dangers of Unsecured Internet Connections
Does your child know how to access an unsecured internet connection in your home or neighborhood? Find out by reading this article.

6. Teach Children to Say No
Children need help in recognizing a potentially unsafe situation. Many children are not cognizant of the world happening around them.

7. Home Daycare Dangers How to Choose a Safe Place
Are you considering a home daycare provider to watch your child or children? If you are then please read my timely article on finding a safe in home daycare provider for your child.

8. Digital Pictures - A Life Saving Tool for Missing Children
A great picture is worth a thousand words as the old saying goes and this saying is never truer than when a child is missing or has been abducted from his or her family. Suddenly, a family picture has become a life saving tool for a child and the family behind the photo.

9. The Dangers of Personalizing Items
Do you personalize items? Does your SUV have the family icons on the rear-view window with each family members name displayed below? Have you considered how personalizing jewelry, backpacks or cars can place your family at risk? Read this article and learn how to keep everyone safe.

10. Age-progression
Age-progression is the process of changing the physical facial features of a person in order to create an idea of what the person may look like now. when a child disappears at the age of 3 and is still missing 11 years later, age-progression can show what he or she would look like now. Find out how.

Be sure to visit the Missing and Exploited Children Archives for all the articles!


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