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How to Create an Exhibit on a Shoestring Budget

by Kim Kenney
All you ever wanted to know about creating your first museum exhibit! This ebook contains advice from a professional curator, including photos, charts, worksheets, samples, lists, and MORE! Learn about what goes on "behind the scenes" in a museum.

This ebook is designed as a guideline for a museum studies student, museum intern, or newly-minted museum professional who is about to embark on the wonderful journey of creating a history museum exhibition! Curator Kim Kenney shares her thoughts about exhibition design, what works for her, and how she does what she does within a small budget. This ebook covers each major step toward completing a successful exhibition and is completely illustrated with photographs of Kim's work.

"How to Create an Exhibition on a Shoestring Budget" features chapters on Selecting a Topic, Choosing Artifacts and Photographs, Writing Exhibit Labels, Basics of Good Exhibit Design, Planning Exhibit Based Programs, Funding Your Project, and Getting the Word Out. A special Appendices section contains all the tools Kim uses to create an exhibit, including an Exhibition Checklist, Object Possibilties Chart, Exhibit Section Worksheet, Guest Curator Agreement, Basic Supply List, and Samples of Title Panels, Introductions, Section Labels, and Object Labels.

If you're about to create your first exhibition, or just curious about what goes on "behind the scenes" in a museum, this ebook is for you!

(If you have trouble ordering your ebook through PayPal, please contact me!)

Pages: 39
Price: $3.95 US

This ebook is available in PDF format.
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